Tuesday 27 December 2016

How to Get Pink Lips?

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Every girls dream to have soft, luscious and pink lips. But many of them don’t achieve this. There are many reasons for your lips getting dry, chapped, and pigmented. In our Eyana, salon in dubai many client want to apply pink lipstick to add the beauty to their makeup. So we had planned to discuss with you about how to get a pink lips naturally. At salon in karama, our customers had tried this and got the results. So let’s see the ways to get pink lips. 

 Carrot juice 

 beauty salon in karama, dubai

Prepare a carrot juice and soak a cotton pad in it and apply it on your lips. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin and will add color and nourish your lips. 


salon in karama, dubai

Beetroot gives you beautiful color and also it is rich in vitamins and antioxidants which can efficiently help nourish your lips. The best way is to apply beetroot juice before you go to bed. In the morning you will get a gorgeous, pink lips and the color will last the whole day, until your wash it. 


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Grind the petals of rose to get a juice and apply it on your lips. Rose petals will hydrate, nourish and care your lips. This also makes them look brighter, healthier and pink. 


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Orange peel mainly works for dull and dark looking lips. Take an orange peel and rub it on your lips for a minute or two and you can see your lips brighten up and blush. 


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Cucumber helps to nourish your lips, lighten their color and make them look pink naturally. Take a cucumber slice and rub it on your lips daily for few minutes and you can notice your lips get brighter. 


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Pomegranate juice helps to lighten pigmented lips. Blend the pomegranate seeds in a blender and using a strainers get the juice from it. Dip cotton in it and rub it on your lips. You can apply this on your lips every day. 


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Crush the coriander leaves and apply on your lips. Keep it for 30 minutes and wipe with a damp washcloth. Apply this daily so that you can reduce the darkening of your lips and leave them pinker.

Proper care and a few simple remedies are all that’s needed to give you pink, baby-soft lips. Do try these methods from our beauty stylist of eyana, ladies salon in dubai. Try this and let’s know about your feedback's. 

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